Food Porn Friday

I’ve been eating so much this week, and moving very little, that I feel the only adequate way to head into Friday would be with a serious bang. I’ve had this dessert on my mind for days and think I will be recreating it soon. Behold the banana split. No, not the ice-cream flavor so ubiquitous here. The real deal, the inspiration behind the imitation. In my mind, America. (it was invented in 1904. Thank you Wikipedia)

Photo Credit: R.E. via Flickr

The Great Buenos Aires Cupcake Wars

During the five years that I’ve been in Buenos Aires, we’ve gone from no cupcakes to attempts at cupcakes with too much dulce de leche de repostería to CUPCAKE EXPLOSION. The trend that has been big in the US and beyond has finally found its niche here in Buenos Aires. After passing several shops (and hearing about cupcake delivery services, without a storefront) I decided to do a little experiment. Rank the ‘cakes and see which one comes out on top. The shops love to focus on their bells and whistles, hoping to resemble New York’s own Magnolia, but do they hit the nail on the head when it comes to flavor, texture, and overall yum-cityness? Let’s see … Continue reading

Whoopie Pies in Buenos Aires

I have loved whoopie pies since I spent some time in Maine one summer and gorged myself on them. The obligatory trend followed (in the footsteps of cupcakes, cake pops, mini pies, etc), but whatever. They’re delicious. I hadn’t even thought about them since living in Buenos Aires since I figured they’d never make their way down to this side of the equator. I was wrong!

Smeterling, a patisserie and chocolate boutique in Recoleta, makes some bomb pastries. Mini shortcakes, cookies, cupcakes, macarons, anddddd whoopie pies! I didn’t take a photo of the pie because I ate it. Sorry. But it was delicious. The filling – a dulce de leche cream – was perfect and the cake part was spot-on. If you’re a chocolate or pastry lover, get thee to the Smeterling stat, por favor. It’s a nice change of pace from the traditional old-lady cafés in the area, and the flavors are finally different from what you normally see.

Uruguay 1308 – Recoleta

Photo Credit: Flickr, Smeterling

Food Porn Friday

I was out late last night and would give anything for any of the following: a Chipotle burrito (specifically), a bacon, egg & cheese smothered in hot sauce on an English muffin, a steaming bowl of Vindaloo … OR a Baked & Wired cupcake. Seriously, these things are like crack. They’re huge, #1, and they’re 100x better than Georgetown Cupcake. Without further ado, I give you: a sweet, crumbly, buttery Food Porn Friday.

Photo Credit: The Foodbuster