You Saucy Minx – Getting Your Spicy On

A common lament of extranjeros living in Buenos Aires is the lack of kick in the local palate. At most restaurants you’ll see salt on every table but pepper is always an afterthought. Pica!!! our Porteño friends will squeal when you ask why they don’t put freshly ground pepper on things like scrambled eggs, vegetables and sandwiches.

Many markets and grocery stores – most regularly in Barrio Chino and similar locales – sell at the very least some jalapeños to help satisfy our cravings. (You can often find rocoto and other amazeballs-hot peppers too, but you might have to head out of the way to get them.) Strangely enough, at Disco, they always seem to come in huge packs of 15. (I have a serious spice addiction, but what on Earth am I supposed to do with 15 jalapeños before they start to wrinkle?) But let’s be honest, there’s nothing like having access to a delicious, fiery hot sauce that we can douse on everything from empanadas to mashed potatoes (don’t judge).

Luckily, expats here are an entrepreneurial bunch. Here are 3 places for you to burn your taste buds, satisfaction guaranteed: Continue reading